Birkman has grown over the past 60 years to be one of the most influential personality assessments for people across the globe. As we continue to grow, our family culture and proud roots remain at the core of our values and vision.

Reaching Further for Greater Insights

The Birkman Method is a favorite personality and career assessment of those experienced in the industry because it paints a richer picture of an individual.

Just like how TV screens have varying resolutions – standard definition, high definition, 4K – personality  assessments have different levels of detail as well. Birkman is at the far end of the spectrum, giving the highest level of insight into the motivations, perceptions, and behaviors of a person.

Birkman is the premier advanced assessment because it uncovers and interprets more data about behavior, motivations, and personality. Birkman feedback is presented in a way that is user-friendly and easy to segment. If you’re primarily interested in one element of an individual’s personality, you can focus on just that element of their report.

Here are a few ways that Birkman is different:

  • The only assessment that measures underlying Needs – the support you need from others and environments to be your most effective self
  • Combines behavioral and occupational data in one assessment – for a greater understanding of a person’s ideal fit within an organization
  • Examines personality and perceptions in a social context – promotes greater self-management and encourages mutual respect among colleagues

Because The Birkman Method is so deep reaching, we’ve developed a training program for those wanting to interpret our advanced Signature Suite of reports. For those looking to experience Birkman at a starting level, we’ve also developed Birkman Basics, a suite of the most popular Birkman reports.

Over 60 Years of Proven Validity & Reliability

The Birkman Method assessment was first developed in 1951 by Dr. Roger Birkman, and since then millions of people around the world have enjoyed personal and professional growth from its feedback over the decades.

Longevity of Data

The Birkman Method has stood the test of time, and we have seen how its feedback has been reliable for behavioral insights across generations of assessment takers.

Volume of Data

Through providing millions of assessments and reports, we’ve seen consistency that crosses all demographics with statistical soundness.

Loyal Users

There are consultants that have been using The Birkman Method for 30+ years. Why do they stay with us? Because of the positive impact the assessment has for clients.

Refinement & Growth

Birkman has always placed a premium on scientific validity and innovation. The Birkman assessment administered today is the work of decades of research and development.

Limitless Uses for Individual & Team Growth

Your Birkman feedback will impact every relationship in your life by allowing you to understand how your motivations, behaviors, and perceptions are unique to only you. This profound self and interpersonal knowledge has countless applications to home and work life.

We’ve segmented five Core Applications:

  • Leadership Development
  • Team Building
  • Sales & Negotiation
  • Talent Selection
  • Career Exploration

Each of these Core Applications has many applications that fit within it. For example, leadership transitions, high potential development, executive coaching, and succession planning all fit within the Leadership Development category.

Birkman feedback can benefit every stage of the employee lifecycle. Companies across all industries – as well as non-profit and faith-based organizations – successfully use Birkman to develop their human capital.

Empowering and Constructive Feedback

For an assessment to have a lasting effect on an individual or team, the feedback must be memorable.

If users forget the details of their reports quickly, they will not have the opportunity to grow constructively from their assessment experience. On the other hand, if a person truly absorbs the feedback, those insights will constantly impact their decisions and interactions – personally and professionally – to have a profound effect on their lives.

Visual aids have been shown to improve learning and retention by 400%, which is why The Birkman Method has a heavy use of symbols, colors, grids, scales, and other imagery to help end users retain the details of their feedback.

Feedback from a Birkman personality and career assessment doesn’t just have sticking power – it also is framed in a way that is empowering to individuals and teams. Other assessments, which may feature harsh criticisms or judgments, can actually be damaging to morale.

The Birkman Method is different because we focus on highlighting the strengths (and challenges) that each person has, expressing that while everyone is different, we all have value that we bring to the table.

Comparative & Group Reporting

One standout feature about Birkman is the ability to run comparative and group reports.

A full feedback from the Birkman Signature Suite is the best way to develop a deep sense of self-understanding. Yet, Birkman goes further by creating reports that allow you to compare yourself to your supervisor, direct report, or colleague.

A two-person comparative report highlights the similarities that two people have and also points out the areas for potential conflict. Because each individual has a unique world view, there will always be areas for misunderstanding or communication issues in relationships. A Birkman comparative report can enable two people to work together better with fewer conflicts, more productivity, and greater mutual understanding.

Comparative and group reporting is exceptionally useful for talent selection, conflict resolution, team building, and employee onboarding.

Easy for End Users

The Birkman Method yields more than 40 report types from a single 30-minute online questionnaire. This efficiency saves time both for the people administering the assessment and for the end user.

People are always impressed with the level of insight gathered from the straightforward questions – and that’s one of the core ways that Birkman stands apart from other assessments.

Because an adult’s Birkman scores typically remain constant over the years, an assessment taken once at the beginning of a person’s career can serve them for their entire professional life. If the assessment is administered initially during the hiring phase to confirm a good fit for the role, it can also be used effectively years later for team building, conflict resolution, or leadership development.

Birkman makes it easy to grow at each stage of your career with insights gathered just once.

Unrivaled Support

Birkman is a family company with a reputation for superior service that has spanned generations. We aren’t a faceless corporation – you’ll get to know our team members by name.

The Client Relations Group at Birkman is a dedicated team of assessment experts that empower consultants and companies using The Birkman Method. If you have questions about administering assessments, providing feedback, or applications, we’re always here to help.

For those looking to use Birkman reports for exciting new applications and dig the deepest into feedbacks, Birkman offers ongoing education and higher levels of certification through our Training Department.

Regardless of how you use Birkman, we’re always eager to hear your feedback. Our Birkman User Groups (BUGs) nationwide allow users to discuss ideas together and grow from each other’s experiences with Birkman.

We are constantly improving features thanks to their input and always strive for an open dialogue with our users so that Birkman delivers the best personality assessment experience possible.

The Wineinger Company is certified and experienced in administering the Birkman and interpreting the results. Those results enable a super focused and effective approach to individual and team development.