Birkman and Strategy
Another key element in our Back to School and Work season is our ability to use Strategic Planning to accomplish our goals. Have you ever wondered how you are wired for Strategic Planning? With the Birkman tool, we don’t have a specific measurement for Strategic Planning gifts. Our Certified Affiliate, Matt Zamzow, spent years working as the training director internationally and here in the US for the Birkman tool. He offers these ideas for how we can think about our styles when strategic planning:
Birkman Blue:
The Birkman color Blue represents your wiring for Strategy and creative thinking. Blue people like to interact with people and then back away and process what they’ve learned. Blue people like to process and think about the complexities of an issue or situation.
Birkman Green:
When combined with the Birkman color Green, we have a person who also wants to talk and process their thoughts out loud. Green people like to inspire and motivate people. They like to process information out loud and inspire new ideas.
When we combine the Blue and Green colors, we get people who may naturally like to be a part of Strategic Planning. They like to openly express ideas and then walk away and think about the complexities of those ideas.
Birkman Brain Styles:
Another key influencer in Strategic Planning is how your brain works. In the Birkman Preferred Work Styles, we see the four brain styles. Global styles like to see the big picture. I think of them as looking down at a globe. Linear styles like to see the exact methodology. One then leads to Two then leads to Three.
Then we have Conceptual Styles who like to grab a concept and get the gist of it. Concrete styles like to work with things that are tangible and concrete.
Each of the two pieces add up to a total of 11 points.
Theoretically, if a person’s brain works more Globally and Conceptually then the owner of that brain is going to get the big picture. They may see things that haven’t happened yet because they see that the trend or process will lead to that conclusion.
Matt stresses that everyone is an important part of Strategic Planning. Dr Birkman always used to stress that there is never a right or wrong/ good or bad Birkman scoring. We all bring value. When it comes to Strategic Planning, it may just be good to be sure and include the talents of blue and green styles and global and conceptual to help you stretch into new ideas.
Have fun working smarter not harder!!!
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