Birkman Components: Thought

Components: Thought Thought What does Birkman mean by Thought? The Need for Thought or Reflection in Decision Making Cautious approach to decisions, thorough examination or decisiveness. Action vs. Reflection THOUGHT involves an individual’s approach to decisions,...

Birkman Components: Change

Components: Change Change What does Birkman mean by Change? The Need for Change – Physical and Mental Restlessness, quickly changing focus. Focused vs. Variety CHANGE measures restlessness and excitability. Change addresses dealing with change of current focus...

Birkman Components: Empathy

  Components: Empathy Empathy What does Birkman mean by Empathy? The Need for Empathy – Emotional Expressiveness How you express or deal with feelings. Logic vs. Feeling EMPATHY addresses comfort with emotional expression and involvement of feelings. High...